Name: Cassandra C (premium foal)
Color: Brown
Born: 08.06.2011
Race: Deutsches Reitpferd (ZfdP)
Stick measure: approx. 166 cm

Cassandra C, 2 1/2 years old

Cassandra C, 1,5 years old

Cassandra C (3 months old)

Cassandra C, 5 weeks old in July 2011

Cassandra C, 2 weeks old

Cassandra C, 1 day old

Cassandra C (birth)

Pedigree Cassandra C

Would you like more informations about "Cassandra C" and its descent?

"Cassandra C" was born on Wednesday, 08.06.2011, in Etgersleben. It is the third on this yard born foal from my premium broodmare "Iamira".

"Cassandra C" is a direct daughter of the Trakehner black white tobiano stallion "Camaro" (stick measure 171 cm). Their grandfather is the unfortunately much too early deceased elite stallion candidate "Le Duc", a noble Trakehner stallion in a dark-fox-painted jacket and a son of the elite dressage stallion "Anduc" from the Trakehner mare, league of "Pregel". "Le Duc" was victorious in dressage to german class S.

"Camaro" comes out of the well-known mare "Colored Beauty" (one of the line founder inside the Trakehner breed on the island Föhr) and goes thereby back on the probably most successful multicolored Trakehner pinto-line of the stallion "Cornelius". "Camaro" was finalist with the Bundeschampionat of the 5-years old military horses in the year 2002 (for this also qualified in 2003 - 5th place) as well as victoriously and high-placed in dressage, jumping and versatility examinations of the classes A-L in germany.

photos: Camaro (with the friendly consent of the owner, Renate Christiansen)

"Sarah C´s" mother is our premium broodmare "Iamira". The beautiful brown white color comes from its father "Ico" (stick measure 163 cm), a multicolored son of the Trakehner stallion Marco Polo. Marco Polo goes back to the full blood stallion "Poet xx" and it is also the father of the well-known stallion Marius, from which among other things descend the internationally successful jumping horse "Milton" (ridden by John Whitaker).

One repeats to the leave-strong brown "Poet xx", its descendants all together „would by the way vary between genius and insanity“. Fortunately the positive genes outweigh with my "Iamira". It has a strong character, but I would not classify her however rather as „an ingenious horse “.

"Ico´s" mother "Sonja" is a daughter of the heavy Groninger stallion "Sineada", which left 14 inspected sons. Its daughters brought particularly in the breeding with the Trakehner stallion "Marco Polo" a stately number of particularly jumping-talented descendants.

"Ico" was stationed in Hessen/Germany and became there the most successful multicolored jumping stallion in that time. It left a remarkable number of inspected sons and premium mares. On behalf for this would be to be called among other things the brown white tobiano stallion "Nekoma", which becane the winner in the power jumping over a height of 2,30 m under Jürgen Kenn. In addition, the sons "Ilasso" and "Icon", which were successful up to the heavy class of dressage, occupy the high leaving value of this multicolored exception stallion.

On the mother-site "Iamira" goes back to the brown Trakehner mare Helena II, which leads in its pedigree high-carat Trakehner stallions like "Helianthus", "Halali" and "Altan". "Halali" was a long time stationed in the stud Zweibrücken and is also the father of mould elite stallion "Marduc", one of the most important stallions of the post-war period. "Altan" at that time enjoys the call of the descent and leave-moderately in breeder circles probably best stallion of the east german Trakehner-breed.

"Iamira" was awarded with the federation premium of the ZfdP and has beside several outstanding descendants already a inspected, achievement-examined son ("Apollo auf der Lieth", born 1995, a brown white tobiano stallion like his wonderful mother).

The mare has an unusually good step, a very clock-safe trot, swinging over the whole backs and a pleasant, always uphill jumped and set gallopp. It passes the famous Trakehner bloom and aristocracy as well as outstanding movements and already promptly recognizable, highly gifted jumping assessment on without exception to its foals. Cassandra C was high scored of the ZfdP and is a premium foal now. This mare was sold in 2014 into best rider-hands.

Cassandra C, 09/2011