Name: Cupido C (premium foal!)
Color: tobiano
DNAt: heterozygot
Born: 14.07.2014
Race: Deutsches Reitpferd (ZfdP)
stick-measure: approx. 160 cm


pedigree Cupido C

photo: Cupido C 2020 (thank you very much for this beautiful pic, wow...)

Cupido C is since 21.10.2017 at home in south-Germany. I wish the new owner a lot of fun and good luck with this wonderful boy. Here you can see some last photos of him in Etgersleben...

3 years and 3 months old...

nearly 3 years old...

2 years and 9 months old, Cupido C - a really highlight!

Here you can see 5 photos from Stefanie Schrader (thank you very much for the little shooting) from March 2017.

2 1/2 years old...

2 years old...

1,5 years old...

1 year old...

10 months old...

6 months old

5 months old...

4 months old, our charmeur Cupido C...

6 week old, our little heart-breaker in wonderful colour... and now a PREMIUM FOAL ZfdP!!!

3 weeks old, a dream in black-white colour...

Cupido C, 1 week old and a little charmeur...

3 days old...Cupido C, our little sunshine...

photos: Y. Cybulla

Father of Colany C: Cadeau Noir (translation later...)

Vater von Colany C ist der lackschwarze Hengst "Cadeau Noir" (Gestüt Bonhomme GmbH in Werder/Havel).

photo: Y. Cybulla (Cadeau Noir, Bonhomme stud, 2014)


Er wird hier am 07.05.2014 wie folgt beschrieben (Zitat):

Dieser bildhübsche Junghengst besticht durch modernste Typausprägung, einem herausragenden und lockeren Bewegungsablauf sowie großem Schritt bei allerbesten Interieurwerten. Seine ersten beiden Turnierauftritte 2013 in Reitpferdeprüfungen absolvierte Cadeau Noir jeweils als Sieger. Seine 30-Tage-VA beendete Cadeau Noir mit einem vorbildlichem Ergebnis: Mit Noten bis 9,0 in den Grundgangarten, in der Rittigkeit und im Interieur überzeugte er nicht nur die Fremdreiter, sondern auch die Richter. Als Zweiter im Gesamtindex Dressur mit einer Endnote von 8,43 und einem Zuchtwert-Dressur mit 137 Punkten, zog er am gesamten Starterfeld, zu dem auch zwei Siegerhengste des letzten Jahres zählten, mühelos vorbei.

Sein Vater Christ, der sein überragendes Bewegungspotenzial und seine Rittigkeit an seine Kinder weitergibt, stellt sich mit mittlerweile sechs gekörten Söhnen immer mehr als wichtiger Vererber in den Vordergrund. Christ war zweiter Reservesieger der Dressurhengste der Hannoveraner Körung 2007 in Verden und absolvierte seinen 30-Tage-Test mit Höchstnoten in allen Bereichen. Mit Siegen und hohen Platzierungen in Dressurpferdeprüfungen der Klassen A und L qualifizierte er sich 2010 souverän für das Bundeschampionat und ist inzwischen reiterlich bis zum S-Niveau gefördert.

Auch seine Mutter, die St.Pr.St. Delicia, ist sehr interessant gezogen. Hier treffen sich die Vererberstars De NiroDonnerhall auf der Vaterseite mit Calypso IICor de la Bryère auf der Mutterseite. Die Mutter, St.Pr.St. Delicia, wurde mit ihren beiden Töchtern, die ebenfalls von Christ abstammen, anlässlich der Herwart-von-der-Decken-Schau 2013 als Familie hoch prämiert. Auf der Stutenschau in Uelzen wurden sie zur Siegerfamilie und die 2-jährige Vollschwester von Cadeau Noir zur Klassen- und Gesamtsiegerin der Schau gekürt. Großmutter C’Est la Vie brachte mit Stakkato den Hannoveraner Springpferdechampion 2010 Stakkadero.

Das Pedigree dieses Youngsters lässt erahnen, dass mit Cadeau Noir ein hochklassiger Vererber und Sporttalent das Hengstlot unseres Gestüts bereichert.

...ja, das tut er...

ein lackschwarzer, ausdrucks- und bewegungsstarker, doppelt veranlagter Hengst mit höchsten Interieur-Werten und einer Garantie für absolutes Gänsehaut-Feeling!

Cadeau Noir 2014, photo: Petra Kerschbaum/Wien (thank you)

"Cupido C" is the third foal of my black white tobiano mare "What´s up", a direct daughter of the 171 cm large black and white tobiano Trakehner stallion "Camaro". His great-grandfather is that unfortunately much too early the deceased elite stallion candidate "Le Duc", a noble Trakehner stallion in a dark-fox colored jacket and son of the elite dressage stallion "Anduc" out of the Trakehner mare "Liga" from "Pregel". "Le Duc" was victorious in dressage up to the class S.

"Camaro" comes at the motherside off from the "Colored Beauty" (one that line founder inside the Trakehner breed on the island Föhr) and goes thereby back on the probably most successful multicolored Trakehner-Pintoline of "Cornelius". "Camaro" was 2002 finalist at the Bundeschampionat of the 5-years old horses (for this also 2003 qualified, 5th place) as well as victoriously and high placed in dressage, jumping and versatility examinations up to the class M.

photos: Camaro (with friendly consent of his owner, Renate Christiansen)

At the mothersite "What´s up" goes back on the black white tobiano premium mare "Waterloo", a daughter of the brown white tobiano stallion "Karabin" and the dark-brown Württemberger mare "Wonderful Lady". Its father is Holsteiner stallion "Lehar" (land stud Marbach) of the century full blood stallion "Ladykiller xx" out of the Hannoveraner mare "Westlady" from "Wendekreis" (one of the most successful jumping stallions of the last decades) and the hard full blood stallion "Der Löwe xx" (winner of altogether 8 large gallopp running, among other things 1948 generally speaking price from Baden-Baden and Frankfurt - a phenomenon in the German warmblood breed, which supplied by the dozen point horses for all ranges including Olympiads and world championships).

"What´s up" got 2006 its first foal of "Samenco K". "Skyline C" is optically how its father, a very similarly seeing dark-brown white tobiano mare. She was premied by the ZfdP and received - only 3 weeks old - already the 1 e - price of federalbreedinglook in the year 2006. Besides their mother inherited it the singular character apart from outstanding course of motion and obvious jumping gift.

photo: Skyline C (2 years old, with friendly consent of her new owner)

"Skyline C" was sold as a yearling into the proximity of Hamburg, draws up there and now will bi trained … “even ouple fences of no less than 1.40 m do not represent an obstacle for this ingenious mare“…, its new owner swarmed. The mare had large sporty potential and is to be introduced now in first dressage and jumping horse examinations.

photo: Skyline C (3 years old, with friendly consent of her new owner)

The second foal of "What´s up" is our broodmare "Sissy C", she is optically an image of her full sister "Skyline C". She also was highly evaluated and premied by the ZfdP, received the permission to federalbreedinglook 2008. "Sissy C" is a dark-brown white tobiano filly as painted - beautifully and even-moderately drawn with 4 white boots and a small, nearly not visible wedge star. 

This mare has like its mother "What´s up" an unbelievably dear, easy-handle character, is very much human being-referred, learn willing and unlocked. It has an almost unlimited movement and jumping potential. Above all however it loves extensive, fast galloping over endless ouples, so that this horse apart from its suitability for the elevated jumping, dressage, driving and leisure sport might be also a noteworthy offer for the versatility sport.

"Cupido C" is the third foal of "What´s up". She got him after a long pregnancy-time of 383 days. This black-white tobiano colt was premium awarded by the ZfdP, he shows very good movements and also a lot of jumping talent, is easy to handle. He is offered for sale only, because I think, he will get a stick-measure of not more than 160 cm at the end. We are looking for a very good place for our little boy.

Simply a dream new generation sport horse in multicolored!