namee: Fleur C (PREMIUM AWARDED)
colour: dark-brown white tobiano
DNA: heterozygot
born: 27.05.2015
race: Deutsches Reitpferd (ZfdP)
stick-measure: approx. 168 cm

SOLD to United Kingdom 2016

Here some last photos of Fleur C before her trip to UK in February 2016. Now she is 9 months old and growing up to a wonderful young lady. Bye, my little princess. We will miss you so much. I wish you all the best for the future!

6 months old, Fleur C looks like a teddy now...

5 months old, Fleur C looks great!

14 weeks old, a really juwel...

11 weeks old, a rarity in quality, type, colour, movement and character!

7 weeks old - a dream!

4 weeks old - our sweet little "princess"...

3 weeks old ... a dream-filly!

10 days old ... our sweet "princess"...

5 days old - a juwel for sport or breeding with a lot of charme, our little princess!!!

3 days old ... genial!

1 day old, WOW!!! ...

day of birth...

pedigree Fleur C

Do you want to know more about Fleur C and her pedigree?


Fleur C was born on 27.05.2015 at 23.20 o´clock in Etgersleben. She is the first foal of my homozygous broodmare Silvana C. A little "princes" with a lot of charme!

The father of this wonderful, long legged filly is the newcomer 2014, the black stallion Finest, who has the top stallions Fürstenball (Schockemöhle stud), Wie Weltmeyer and the important Prince Thatch xx in his pedigree. This young stallion has a top character, very good elastic movements and a lot of typ - he makes the hearts beats higher! Description of the stallion-station WM-Gestüt, translation will follow later):

photo: Finest, WM stud (thanks)


"Der unvergessene „Sieger der Herzen“…

nach den einzigartigen Momenten auf der Körung in Verden war Finest ein gelungener Einstieg in die züchterische Laufbahn möglich. Sein bestechender Charme , der unverwechselbare Charakter sowie seine drei Grundgangarten, im Gleichmaß mit Ausnahmequalität gesegnet, überzeugten einfach immer wieder. So konnte dieser bildhübsche Rappe auch bei seinem 30-Tage-Test in Münster in einem sehr starken Teilnehmerfeld glänzen und erreichte mit Traumnoten (Interieur 9,63, Rittigkeit 9,25 und Gesamtnote 8,58) einen hervorragenden Zuchtwertindex von 138 Punkten.

Ein einwandfreies Interieur und seine ständige Leistungsbereitschaft bilden die Grundsteine für seine hervorragende Rittigkeit, somit war es Finest bereits im Januar diesen Jahres problemlos möglich, im Rahmen des CdD-Reitturniers in Elmshorn bei seinem ersten Turnierstart in einer Dressurpferdeprü-fung  als einziger 4-Jähriger überlegen zu siegen.

Vater Fürstenball setzt bereits im noch jungen Alter Meilensteine - er war selber strahlender Siegerhengst seiner Körung, HLP-Sieger , wurde Bundeschampion der 5-jährigen Dressurpferde 2011 und bestätigte im Folgejahr 2012 seine Qualität mit hohen Platzierungen im Landes- und Bundeschampionat sowie bei der WM der sechsjährigen Dressurpferde. Zudem  konnte er durch hocherfolgreiche Nachkommen (Siegerhengst und Preisspitze OL-Körung 2012, Siegerfohlen beim deutschen Fohlenchampionat Lienen, Spitzenfohlen auf diversen Auktionsplätzen) in all den Jahren glänzen. Die Mutter Wie Princess aus der Trakehner Familie der Schwindlerin brachte als erstes Fohlen den PB St.Moritz Junior auf die Welt (Prämienhengst, HLP-Reservesieger u. qualifiziert für das BC der 4-Jährigen Hengste), darauf folgte eine Vollschwester zu diesem (St.Pr.St. Samoa, ebenfalls in der begehrten Rappfarbe mit abgelegter Stutenprüfung Durchschnittsnote 8,5) und dann erblickte dieses wunderschöne Rapphengstfohlen vom Fürstenball das Licht der Welt. Aus diesem Stamm sind bereits 30 gekörte Hengste, zahlreiche Elitestuten und unzählige prämierte Fohlen hervorgegangen. Zudem wird Ihnen in der 4. Generation über Servus altbewährtes hannoversches Leistungsblut geboten.

„Pferde wie diese sind ein Geschenk der Natur“…so beschrieb Zuchtleiter Dr.Werner Schade unseren Finest. Und wie es scheint, sind auch seine Nachkommen von besonderer Güte, alle bisher gefallenen Fohlen überzeugen durch Typ,  Modernität und Bewegungsqualität. Die Weichen für die neue Saison sind somit gestellt."

photo: Finest, WM-stud

Yes, I think, that´s true. This stallion produced in his first season a lot of top foals in a very good type with lovely faces and top movements. I´m sure, that we will get a second foal of Silvana C and Finest soon!

The mother of our wonderful filly Fleur C is "Silvana C", born 05.04.2009 in Etgersleben. This wonderful homozygous broodmare was the first foal of my broodmare "Nike". "Silvana C´s" father is the dark-brown white tobiano Oldenburger premium stallion "Samaii". This stallion was inspected and premium awarded by the ZfdP and got its cover permission over sporty activities (emphasis dressage). Now it is approved in Neustadt Dosse."Samaii" in our opinion at present is one of the best and most promising young colored stallions in Germany, owned by Cherryl Mitchel (UK).

photo "Samaii" (with friendly consent of its owner, Cherryl Mitchel, UK)

"Samaii" on the paternal side comes off from the dark-brown white tobiano stallion "Sambertino". At first this stallion was stationed in Holland for 3 years, where it witnessed indication in accordance with over 100 foals. As a 4 - and 5-years old stallion "Sambertino" was qualified for the semi-final of the Pavo Cups in Holland (comparably with the German Bundeschampionat). "Sambertino" completed its stallion approvement (HLP) in Neustadt Dosse with a outstanding 8th place in dressage with altogether 43 stallions (score 113.99). Afterwards it was successfully sportily promoted both in Holland, and in UK and set up later as stallion to UK.

On the mother side "Samaii" goes back to the Hannoveraner elite mare "Berolina", an unusual daughter of the well-known dressage stallion "Brentano II", which is stationed in the German land stud Celle. It leads the stallions "Bolero" and "Grande" in the pedigree and also the full blood stallion "Black Sky xx". "Brentano II" left so far 20 inspected sons. This impressive fox stallion in demand received the title “Hannoveraner of the year 2003". It got the 4. place of the German Bundeschampionat and is trained even up to dressage class S. Its daughter "Brentina" won with the Weltreiterspiele in Jerez with the American Debbie McDonald crew-bronze, its son "Bon Jovie" became federal champion of the four years old sporthorses in Warendorf. As the mother father of the important Brandenburger mare "Poetin" (world champion and winner of the Bundeschampionat) this wonderful dressage stallion proved its outstanding leaving strength. Also "Samaii" cannot deny its Hannoveraner mother side.

"Silvana C´s" grandfather "Samber" (stallion-station Smilda, Holland) goas back to the known full blood stallion "Pericles xx", the color it got from the dutch black white tobiano mare "Tina D". The world-known dark-brown white tobiano stallion "Samber" was victorious both in jumping and in dressage up to the class S/Intermediare I and was already during life-times a stallion legend.

"Samber" in my eyes is the urfather of the multicolored sport horse breeding, a first-class stallion and a high-quality achievement sporthorse. It was evaluated with the rarely assigned dream note „10 “for temper and ridability and left a multiplicity of inspected sons and premium-daughters in a world class format.

To call here among other things would be the elite stallion "Art Deco" (Silverwood farm, USA, victoriously in dressage up to Grand Prix and also in S-jumping), the full brothers "Samenco B" (stallion station Bachl, Bayern - placed to M-jumping) and "Samenco K" (stallion station König, Sachsen-Anhalt - promoted up to S-jumping and high-successfully in dressage examinations), "Sambuco B" (a colored jumping stallion in a world format with more than 10 inspected sons), "Sambertino" (victorious till S-dressage with sportily just as successful descendants), "Ed King Hill" (outstanding dressage stallion with high own contribution).

A listing of successes of "Samber" and its high-successful offspring would blow up the capacity of this side.

"Silvana C´s" mother "Nike" comes off from the multicolored Polish Trakehner stallion "Ringo", a son of the stallion "Recital" from the full blood stallion "Nemrod xx" (one of the most important full blood stallions in the Polish breed, which goes back to the best 4-years old full-blood stallion in UK, "Aquino xx", as well as on the large "Tourbillon xx", a first-class running horse and top stallion) as well as the mare "Recesja", one of the few descendants - if not even the best daughter of the "Retina" - from the well-known multicolored Trakehner line of the jumping stallion "Cornelius".

"Nike´s" mother is the Polish warmblood mare "Narewka", which shows in its pedigree the successful Hannoveraner stallions "Feiertraum" and "Feiner Kerl" as well as in the falling mother trunk the hard full blood stallion "Aquino xx". "Feiertraum" brought 17 inspected sons, its to descendants is characterised by jumping talent, a good character and outstanding ridability.

"Silvana C" shows already in the age of only unites days remarkable movements, swinging by the whole body, and a beautiful, set gallopp. The quality of this filly exceeds clearly our anyway already high expectations from these breed. We may be rightfully strained on the further development of this wonderful filly with the three-colored design.

According to DNA-test this movement-strong filly is
HOMOZYGOUS for tobiano and will bring along thereby also with in-colored stallions GUARANTEES multicolored descendants to the world!

This horse is simultaneous a singular jewel for the color breed (also in Germany a rare piece) and due to the high quality a considerable offer for the achievement sport. The unusually good assessment of this modern filly was rewarded by the breeding commission of the ZfdP with a high evaluation and premium award.

"Silvana C" won to 27.09.2009 on the federalbreedinglook 2009 of the ZfdP in the mixed class of the pinto-hunter foals and became 1st reserve winner against all presented pinto-foals. Now she is a premium broodmare of the ZfdP!

Fleur C was SOLD and will go to England in March 2016!