Name: Suri C
Color: brown
Born: 05.04.2010-05.07.2011
Race: Deutsches Reitpferd (ZfdP)
stick measure: ca. 170 cm

On 05. July 2011 my young mare Suri C died, because she was very ill and we could´nt help her. Thank you, my little girl, for the wonderful time with you. I will never forget you.

Suri C (yearling) 03/2011

Suri C 04/2011 (yearling)

photo: Y. Cybulla (Suri C, 4 weeks old)

Pedigree Suri C

Wouldt you like to know more about Suri C and her pedigree?

Suri C was born in Etgersleben on Easter monday, the 05.04.2010. She is the 4. foal of my leading broodmare Mona Lisa.

"Suri C´s" father, the brown white tobiano Hessian elite stallion "Samico F", is very successful in dressage up to the highest german class S and a direct son of the Dutch stallion "Samber". "Samico F" has already several inspected sons and a lot of premium offspring, inquired strongly in the achievement sport.

Samico F (photo with friendly permission of the owner)

Its grandfather "Samber" (stallion station Smilda, Netherlands) goes back to the well-known full blood stallion "Pericles xx" and got its color of the Dutch black white tobiano mare "Tina D". The legend and world-well-known dark-brown white tobiano stallion "Samber" was victoriously both in heavy jumping and in the dressage up to german class S/Intermediare.

"Samber" in my eyes is the urfather of the multicolored sport horse breeding, a first-class stallion and a high-quality achievement sporthorse. It was evaluated with the rarely assigned dream note „10" for temper and ridability and left a multiplicity of inspected sons and premium mares in the world class format.

To call here among other things would be the elite stallion "Art Deco" (stationed in USA on the Silverwood farm, victoriously up to dressage till Grand Prix and in jumping up to class S), the twofull brothers "Samenco B" (stallion station Bachl, Bayern - placed to M-jumping) and "Samenco K" (stallion station König, Sachsen-Anhalt - promoted up to S-jumping and also high-successfully in dressge and military examinations), "Sambuco B" (jumping stallion of world format with more than 10 inspected sons), "Sambertino" (victorious up to S-dressage with a lot of sportily successful offspring), "Ed King Hill" and "Samaii" (both outstanding dressage stallions with high own contribution).

A listing of successes of this stallion and its high-successful offspring would blow up the capacity of this side.

At the motherside "Samico F" comes off from the brown Hessen mare "Indra F", a direct "Ico"- daughter and successful to class S. Its grandmother "Allegra F" (a black mare, which like their daughter impressed me apart from generous course of motion in particular with an extremely salient neck essay in the stallion format) comes of to a sport-successful Hessian achievement line with high-carat Hannoveraner stallions Trakehner descent such as "Abglanz" and "Absatz" in the falling pedigree.

Indra F 2005 (photo: Y. Cybulla)

"Suri C´s" mother "Mona Lisa" comes off from the black stallion "Eldorado" (by its owner mentioned affectionately „Amigo “). This no less than 180 cm large stallion was not inspected, his father was the successful Trakehner stallion "Elkadi" from "Trafaret".

On the mothersite "Mona Lisa" is my leading broodmare and goes back to a Mecklenburger warmblood mare with the name "Nicki". This sends, about 162 cm large fox mare with a narrow white blaze during a long time was a so-called „serum horse “ in Bernburg. Later it came to the riding scool into Magdeburg.

Like all GDR-horses at that time, which were used for serum produktion, this mare has completely East German papers. Unfortunately after the turn these papers were isolate more discoverably. "Nicki" was very easy to ride, had a good temper and a correct figure. It was very fruitful and brought some very pretty foals in medium size, which all became outstanding good riding and driving horses.

Foto: Y. Cybulla (Mona Lisa 2009)

"Suri C" is the 4. foal of "Mona Lisa". Her brother "Sisco C" was sold and is a very good jumping horse near Leipzig/Grimma. Her sister "Santana C" also was sold and is now one of two pinto broodmares in Turkey. Her brother "Sandro C" is a successfull pinto stallion in Cottbus. I think, "Suri C" also has a heigh sportical potential and wonderful movements. She is a very nice filly and later she will get a stick measure of about 170 cm.