Name: It´s Apanatchy
Color: black white tobiano
DNA: homozygous
Born: 2000
Race: Deutsches Reitpferd (DPZV)
Stick measure: 164 cm

It´s Apanatchy 05/2011

It´s Apanatchy 04/2011

photos: Y. Cybulla

Pedigree It´s Apanatchy

Would you like to know more informations about the history and the descent of my mare "It´s Apantachy"?

"It´s Apanatschy" was born in the year 2000 near the german town Koblenz. Its half-sister "It´s Nanook" I bought as a yearling 4 years ago. At this time "It´s Apanatschy" was infoaled from the stallion "Lucky Luke" from "Landgraf" and rather inconspicuous. At the end of the year 2007 I saw a sales announcement of its breeder. Since I found my dream horse "It´s Nanook", which fulfilled more than my expectations, I decided to look at me also at "It´s Apanatschy".

The extravagante coloured design of this mare is surely matter of taste. Also the fact, that it has a dark and a nearly white eye, which does not rejoicing each breeder, at first let me hesitate.
Die extravagante farbliche Zeichnung der Stute ist sicherlich Geschmackssache. Auch die Tatsache, dass sie ein dunkles und ein fast weißes Auge hat, was nicht bei jedem Züchter auf Jubel stößt, ließen mich zunächst zögern.

"It´s Apanatschy" had born up till this time already a very good brown white tobiano colt from the stallion "Lucky Lucke" ("Landgraf"-line) and was thereafter even successfully started in jumping examinations. A gene test showed, that it besides - exactly the same as its half sister - is homozygous for tobiano. That´s why it will bring guarantees multicolored foals also with unicolored stallions.

The mare ordered over an unbelievably gentle, reserved character and is very much human being-referred. It arranges a very pleasant feeling for its rider, stands at the assistance absolutely easily and jumps gladly for its life with a beautiful bascule. Thus this rare piece also came into my breed.

"It´s Apanatschy" is probably the only daughter of the colored stallion "Iron", a only among jumping riders admitted, high performance and inspected "Ico"-son, which is promoted in the jumping haven up to the heavy class of Annemieke Sloothak. "Iron" was not continued to use as stallion because of its great sport career in the foreground.

On the mothersite "It´s Apanatschy" comes from the Westfalian grey mare "Silvana", a daughter of the successful Holsteiner stallion "Salinator" (its father is the grey stallion "Silbersee", which was very successful in international jumping). "Silvana´s" mother is the Westfalian mare "Roxana", whose pedigree goes back on the "Radetzki"-son "Remus" and the Angloarabian grey stallion "Ramzes AA" from the full blood stallion "Rittersporn xx.

Its mother, the brown white tobiano mare "Icona", is a daughter of the 1990 born black white tobiano stallion "Icon", likewise a son of the Dutch jumping stallion "Ico". On the mothersite "Icon" goes back on the Hannoveraner stallions "Widerhall", "Widerruf" and "Florentiner" as well as on the Trakehner stallion "Frohsinn". It was victoriously in dressage up to the classes M/B and M/A, he registered placements in St. Georg and also victories up to Intermediare I.

Icona 2005 (photo: Y. Cybulla)

"Icon" is repeated, that all of its descendants passes a unbelievably sensitive kind of communicating with its rider. I can only confirm this from my own experience. My "It´s Apanatschy" is like its half sister "It´s Nanook" a very industrious, adaptive and horse equipped mare with an ingenious jumping gift. With its compact body form, its agility and its easy ridability it is the ideal occupation for difficult time jumping examinations.

Its mother "Icona" comes on the mothersite from the Rheinländer mare "Goldika", a daughter of the French stallion "Gagne Beaucop" of "Uriel" and the brown Rheinländer mare "Allfahrt" from the Hannoveraner "Abhang"-son "Astronaut" and the Hannoveraner mare "Goldmark" from the "Gotthard"-son "Goldlöwe". From this high-carat stallion line ("Gotthard" witnessed altogether to 35 inspected, particularly successful in the jumping haven sons) among other things originates also the point jumping mare "Goldika" (Gerd Wildfang).

It´s Apanatchy was sold to a new owner from Kiel. We wish all the best and much fun with this lovely mare.