R.I.P. Mona Lisa! Our lovely leading broodmare Mona Lisa died at 13.02.2025 in a proud age of nearly 31 Jahren within her herd. Thank you, my little princess, for all. You will ever have a place in our hearts.
R.I.P., Mona Lisa
Look back 2024! At the begin of the year 2024 we had to accept some sadly losts. Our lovely gelding Pjetro (26 years), our homozygous broodmare Shona C (14 years, pregnant by Bowinghausen) and our dog Buddy vom Hof Perthen (4 years old) went over the rainbow-bridge. R.I.P., my friends - we miss you so much.
The first full breeding-season for my 3 licenced coloured stallions started at 01.03.2024. Thank you, dear breeders, for using my boys. Our fingers are crossed for a lot of coloured foals in 2025.
In April our only foal this year was born. Camee C is a beautiful tobiano daughter by our premium-stallion Colanyc and our stallion-mother Nike. This little princess has a lot of talent for jumping and dressage too and she is full-sister of our licenced stallion Caleb and our 2 years old Calea C.
In May our homozygous young stallion Cialto C was licenced by the AES. We are so proud of 4 homebred coloured licenced stallions. He will be available with chilled semen together with his father Classic Deluxe, with Colanyc and Caleb from the 01.04.2025-31.07.2025.
We wish you a HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR 2025!
Premium filly! Our lovely Camee C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.), full-sister to our licenced and approved stallion Caleb and our 2 years old mare Calea C is now a premium-filly of the ZfdP. We are so proud of our 50. foal here. Her mother Nike will now be retired from breeding.
Camee C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.)
Sold! Celly C (Colanyc x Camaro/Trak.)
Celly C (Colanyc x Camaro)
Bye, dear "Ca´chen"! Sold.
Caya C (Colanyc x Samico F)
Licenced for breeding!!! We are so happy! Our beautiful homozygous 4 years old tobiano stallion Cialto C (Classic Deluxe x Samenco K, Ilasso) is now licenced for breeding. So the first foal of our Classic Deluxe is now a licenced stallion and our Soraya C (also mother of our premium stallion Colanyc) is now proud stallion-mother again. Thank you very much, dear Constanze Möller for prepairing our young boy very good for this event. Cialto C is for sale (higer price-class, please ask us).
Cialto C (Classic Deluxe x Samenco K), licenced for breeding AES!
The luck of breeders!!! At Friday, 26.04.2024 at 0.12 o´clock our wonderful broodmare Nike (Ringo/Trak. x Niferak, Feiertraum/Hann.) got her foal. It´s a lovely tobiano filly with super markings. The name of this little princess is "Camee C" and we are very very happy. Thank you, old lady, for this last present. Nike is now nearly 23 years old and this was her last foal.
Camee C
Customers are looking for a Classic Deluxe-foal 2024!!! If you have a coloured foal, born 2024, by Classic Deluxe for sale - please contact us (phone 0177/8140272).
Begin of the breeding-season 2024!!! At 01.03.2024 our 3 stallions Colanyc, Classic Deluxe and Caleb startet into their breeding-saison. Our boys are very motivated with top quality of sperm.
Time to train for Cialto C!!! At 01.03.2024 our nearly 4 years old young stallionprospect Cialto C went to the dressage-stable of Constanze Möller in Ennigerloh. She will prepare him for licencing in June 2024 and train him under the rider. Our fingers are crossed. Thank you, Heiner Böckmann for driving our boy safely to Ennigerloh.
Cialto C (Classic Deluxe x Samenco K, Ilasso)
R.I.P., Shona C!!! Words can not describe our broken heart. Today we lost our lovely premium mare Shona C (Samaii x Camaro) in the age of 13 years. Why? We can not answer. Dear Shoni, we miss you so much. You will ever have a big place in our hearts. We are so sad.
Sold!!! Our wonderful 3 1/2 years old tobiano gelding Cendryc C (Colanyc x Blickpunkt) was sold. He will be trained in military in the future and will live in Germany. We wish his new owners all the best with this young talent and are looking farewell to his developement. Bye my friend.
R.I.P!!! The year 2024 is starting for us with sad news. Today died our wonderful gelding Pjetro (polish warmblood) in the age of 26 years. We will miss him very much and he will ever have a place into our hearts. R.I.P. my friend and thank you for 22 years.
Breeding-Show in ETGERSLEBEN! Today we presented our foals from 2023 to the breeding assoziation. Top weather. We are very happy about 2 premium foals: Curtis C by Caleb (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.) and Chloè C by Colanyc (Cadeau Noir x Samenco K). Chloè C is offered for sale into best hands - a diamond for breeding and sport!
Chloè C (left) and Curtis C (right)
SOLD to Austria! We are proud to annoce, that our lovely future stallion-prospect Curtis C by our homozygous stallion Caleb after weanling will go to Austria. Congratulations to his new owner!.
Curtis C (Caleb x Samenco K)
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! to all of our "old" and "new" breeders, which used our licenced stallions Colanyc, Classic Deluxe and Caleb in the breeding-season 2023 for their broodmares. It was no easy start for our new insemination-station in Etgersleben. Long time for getting the equipment, very long time for get the "OK" by the vet, new personal, new makings - but last but not least we started our season in the mittle of May 2023. So many breeders had to wait so long for semen of their dream-stallion - thank you very much for this. We tryed to get best quality of sperm and top breeder-service - now we have a lot of happy breeders and a very good pregnancy-quote. We are so proud. Thank you, dear Jennifer Böbe for a very good job with our horses - together we rocked it.
Our 1. breeding-season ended now, today we have send the last sperm in this year. Thanks to Fa. NOX for bringing the stallion-sperm to the customers over-night.
At the begin of March 2023 we will be back again for you with all 3 stallions - 2024 for the whole season until the End of July and - attation!- for the same breeding-conditions how 2023!!!
DANKESCHÖN ... Decksaison 2023 beendet!
Top News! Today we had a last control-termin for our new stallion-station (national). In the result we will get the final licence to send semen to buyers in Germany next week. We are so happy about that. Thank you very much for waiting. We hope, we can start at 08.05.2023.
Colanyc can´t wait...
Top News! Today the first foal of our homozygous stallion Caleb was born. It´s a sweet filly with wonderful markings. Congratiolations to the breeder ZG Loheide!
1. filly by our Caleb, born 01.04.2023
Now dressage level L placed ... Classic Deluxe! Proudly we can tell you, that our licenced stallion Classic Deluxe and his rider Jennifer Helling today got a 2. place in a dressage test (L-level). We are so proud of him!
Classic Deluxe and his rider Jennifer Helling, 2. place DrPf. L
A colourd "princess"! At Tuesday, 28.02.2023 at 0.15 o´clock our premium mare Caribic C (Camaro/Trak. x Ringo/Trak.) got her foal by our typeful stallion Colanyc. It´s a very nice tobiano filly with a top schoulder and nice blace. Her name is "Chloè C". This filly will offered for sale in best hands, a diamond for sport or breeding. Thank you, Caribic. We are so happy.
Chloè, 20 minutes old...
2. start for Classic Deluxe! 1. reserve M-Level - we are so proud! Thank you, Jenny and Constanze + team, top job. We are looking forward to the future ...
Classic Deluxe and Constanze...
Breeding season 2023! We plan to built a new breeding-station in Etgersleben to can offer you our follow stallions this season (2023 available only in Germany):
1.) premium stallion Colanyc (Cadeau Noir x Samenco K, Ilasso, 170 cm, stallion-book I ZfdP, licenced and approved, WFFS-free => 01.04.2023 - 31.07.2023 (maybe also in August)
2.) Caleb (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak., Niferak, 167 cm, homozygous tobiano and dark, stallion-book I ZfdP, licenced and approved, WFFS-free => 01.04.2023 - 31.07.2023 (maybe also in August)
3.) Classic Deluxe (Cadeau Noir x Blickpunkt, Samico F, 173 cm, stallion-book I ZfdP, licenced and approved, WFFS-free, 2022 DrPf A placed, now L/M-level with a lot of potential for higher classes in dressage) => 01.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Colanyc say ... the spring is in the air ... yes...
Happy NEW YEAR! The year 2022 is over now and we are looking for all that, what the new year will bring us. We wish you a happy new year. Thank you for using our 3 stallions last year for breeding. We are waiting now for some very interesting foals of them in spring 2023, especally a foal of our premium broodmare Caribic C (Camaro/Trak. x Ringo/Trak.) by Colanyc (february 2023) and a foal of our premium broodmare Sissy C (Samenco K x Camaro/Trak.) by Caleb.
3 x "GO" for stallion-licencing!!! We are so proud to announce, that our 3 young stallions Cendryc C (Colanyc x Blickpunkt, Samico F), Caprysto C (Colanyc x Camaro, Lehar) and Cialto C (Classic Deluxe x Samenco K, Ilasso) after the vet-checks now got the "go" for licencing. Our fingers are crossed for our lovely boys.
Cendryc C
Caprysto C
Cialto C
Successful tournament debut!!! ...for our favorite Classic Deluxe (Cadeau Noir x Blickpunkt). After the end of the 2022 breeding season the stallion was carefully trained by Constanze Möller and her team. Today the 1st dressage tournament was on the agenda for him. The stallion showed himself to be concentrated and very rideable - despite the rather narrow warm-up hall. Rider Jenniffer Helling presented him confidently, a very successful 1st round in the dressage horse competition class A - PLACED! Prais and recognition from judges and spectators. A breeder can´t be prouder honestly. Both of them really deserved this loop. It can go on like this. Of course there were apples and carrots as a reward, he thought it was great. After all love goes trough the stomach.
Classic Deluxe, now placed in dressage-horses-class A in Germany
4 new rooms for our stallions and a little riding-place!!! Our next project is starting. Later we will have here 4 more rooms for our stallions in our future breeding-station.
breeding-show in Etgersleben!!! All years again - time to reflect the horse-breeding. Breeding-show of the ZfdP. Both of our Colanyc-foals now are premium foals. We are so proud. Here are two photos of them. Calea C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.) and Cyracao C (Colanyc x Samaii).
Calea C
Cyracao C
A coloured girl!!! Today (6.00 o´clock) our broodmare Nike (Ringo/Trak. x Niferak, Feiertraum/Hann.) got a wonderful coloured filly by our Colanyc (Cadeau Noir x Samenco K, Ilasso) - what a nice surprice. We are so happy. The little girl has now the name "Calea C".
Calea C
Finale of the breeding-saison 2022! The breeding-saison for our licenced stallions Classic Deluxe (Cadeau Noir x Blickpunkt, 172 cm) and Caleb (Colanyc x Ringo, 167 cm, HOMOZYGOUS tobiano), both registered in the stallion-book I ZfdP, top sperm-quality, is ending at 31.07.2022. BUT ... we have an interesting offer for you!
For all mares, for which you order sperm of our stallions after 01.07.2022, you have to pay a REDUCED breeding-fee (250 EUR), the rest ist payable at 01.10.2022 - only, if your mare is pregnant. The order-formular you can find at the hp
If you have questions, please ask us under the phone number 0177/8140272.
Pfingst-Special!!! Today we have a surprice for you. For the first 3 new mares, the owner decides to use one of our 3 coloured stallions until 06.06.2022, 24.00 o´clock, we will reduce the breeding fee (200 EUR 1. mare, 150 EUR 2. mare, 100 EUR 3. mare). Good luck!
R.I.P., little Catja C! So sad. The start into her live was not easy. We did everything to help her. Unfortunately she got a sepsis - so we had to let her go today in the age of only 1 day. Bye, my little girl. We will never forget you. R.I.P., my sunshine and thank you for being a part of our live for 1 day.
Catja C (+27.05.2022)
Only 3 1/2 hours after her half-brother! ... (26.05.2022 at 1.55 o'clock after 341 days pregnancy a wonderful filly was born. She is a daugther of our stallion-mother Briana C (Blickpunkt x Samico F, Falkland) and our premium stallion Colanyc (Cadeau Noir x Samenco K, Ilasso). A tall, typeful filly with a lovely face. Unfortunately the birth was not easy - so the little girl has some problems to start her live, but she is a fighter. Her name is "Catja C". We hope, all will get good. Thank you, Colanyc! Here you can see a first photo...
Catja C
Foal Nr. 1 arrived! On Wednesday, 25.05.2022 at 08.35 o' clock got our premiom mare Shona C (Samaii x Camaro, Lehar, Ladykiller xx) after 345 pregnancy a colt by our Colanyc (Cadeau Noir x Samenco K, Ilasso). Mother and son are fine. It´s a tall tobiano-colt with a white eye. His name is "Cyracao C". We are so happy about this wonderful present. Thank you, Colanyc. Here you can see a first picture...
Cyracao C
Foal-time! We are waiting now for 3 foals of our licenced and approved tobiano stallion Colanyc. Our stallion-mother Briana C by Blickpunkt/Samico F (date: 20.05.2022) seems to get her foal in the next few days, cameras are working. I think, our premium mare Shona C (date: 15.05.2022) will wait some times - a filly? The last one will be our stallion-mother Nike (by Ringo, Recital/Trak.), date: 07.07.2022. Our fingers are crossed for a good birth and healthy foals.
premium stallion Colanyc
Homebred horses! Last week we visited our homebred mare Lara C (Levkoi/Levisto Z x Ilasso/Ico, now 12 years old) and the beautiful gelding Finn C (Finest/Fürstenbal x Samaii/Camaro, 5 years old). Wow, we are so proud of our youngsters. More pictures you can find at "sold horses".
Lara C (Levkoi x Ilasso)
Finn C (Finest x Samaii)
breeding-season 2022! For our 3 licenced and approved stallions Classic Deluxe (chilled semen/Germany), Colanyc (natural cover and frozen-semen/EU) and Caleb (chilled semen/Germany) the breeding-season started at 1. March 2022. Some broodmares are already inseminated and pregnant. The quality of the semen is super. We are very happy, that our premium mare Caribic C is pregnant by Colanyc. Now we are waiting for 3 Colanyc-foals in May/June out of our broodmares Briana C (also stallion-mother of Classic Deluxe), Shona C and Nike (stallion-mother of Caleb). Our fingers are crossed for healthy foals.
Good bye, Shakira! In the age of only 17 years today died our wonderful broodmare Shakira. She was pregnant by our Colanyc - a foal, that we never will welcome. We are so shocked and we will miss you very much, my coloured girl. You will ever have a place in our hearts. R.I.P., my lovely grand-dame, I hope, we will see us again.
Shakira and her filly Briana C, R.I.P.
Lichtenmoor stud! Caleb and Classic Deluxe are in Heemsen now. They will be available for breeding from 01. March 2022. Classic Deluxe is now also licenced from the Pferdezuchtverband Anhalt-Brandenburg e.V. ("Deutsches Sportpferd/DSP"! Good news for our breeders from this breeding-assoziations, they can get now papers for her foals of our both stallions without more costs.
Caleb und Classic Deluxe
breeding-season 2022! Now we prepaire our stallions for the breeding-season 2022. Classic Deluxe and Caleb will go to the stud Gestüt Lichtenmoor, Heemsen on 05.02.2022 and will be available with chilled semen in Germany from 01.03. to 31.07.2022. Please send your semen-orders to the stud ( or to us (phone 0177/8140272).
Classic Deluxe
Caleb, HOMOZYGOUS for Tobiano
Classic Deluxe! This beautiful great mover is now also licenced for the Oldenburger Zuchtverband (Old.) and the Süddeutschen Verbände (DSP). We are so proud and hope, the breeder will take her chance to use our champion.
Classic Deluxe (photo: V. Hagemeister)
Our stallions 2022! We are proud to offer you the follow stallions for the breeding-saison 2022:
Please contact us per e-mail or phone 0177/8140272.
NOW APPROVED! Our both licenced stallions Classic Deluxe (5 years old by Cadeau Noir x Blickpunkt) and Caleb (3 years old, homozygous, by Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.) have finished their stallion-performance-tests (50-days-test for dressage stallions in Adelheidsdorf). Now they have the licence for breeding live-long (stallion-book I, ZfdP).
Classic Deluxe und Caleb
stallion-approving! Our last highlight this year will be the stallion-approving (50-days-test dressage in Adelheidsdorf) for our stallions Classic Deluxe and Caleb. Both stallions are trained in the dressage-stable of Constanze Möller in Ennigerloh. The test starts at 08.10.2021, our fingers are crossed for our both boys.
But bevore that we have a nice surprice for you. Our both stallions had a foto-shooting with the well-known Volker Hagemeister. We will show you the top pics of our wonderful boys as soon as possible.
Classic Deluxe and Caleb
Pregnancy! Last week we had the last vet-checks for our broodmares this year. We will get the follow foals in 2022:
1.) Colanyc (Cadeau Noir, Christ, De Niro x Samenco K) x Briana C (Blickpunkt, Belissimo M, Fidermark x Samico F), a full-sibling of Cir Royal C and Cendryc C
2.) Colanyc (Cadeau Noir, Christ, De Niro x Samenco K) x Shona C (Samaii, Sambertino, Brentano II x Camaro, Lehar, Ladykiller xx)
3.) Colanyc (Cadeau Noir, Christ, De Niro x Samenco K) x Nike (Ringo/Trak. x Niferak, Feiertraum/Hann.), a full-sibling of our licenced stallion Caleb C
Cir Royal C as a foal
Safety arrived in Sweden! We like this wonderful pic by Cir Royal C and his new owner/rider after arriving in Sweden. Thank you very much!
Cir Royal C and his new owner in Sweden
SOLD! Our 3 years old Colanyc-son Cir Royal C was sold to a dressage-rider from Sweden. We wish the new owner all the best and a lot of fun with this wonderful gelding. Good luck for the future!
Bye, my little boy!
Sold! Our little colt Cju C (Colanyc x Camaro) was sold. He will go to his new owner to Göttingen in October 2021. We wish the new owner all the best with this wonderful Colanyc-son.
Cju C (SOLD), 3 months old
foal-show! Today we presented our tobiano colt Cju C (Colanyc x Camaro) to the breeding-jury. He was phantastic and is now PREMIUM AWARDED! We are so proud and happy and we know, we are on the right way with our breed. A future sporthorse and maybe stallion-prospect with a lot of talent for jumping and dressage too. Cju C is offered for sale!
premium colt Cju C (3 months old)
breeding-special! One chance for you ... for all mares (only German), which will breed with Colanyc at first time up from the 01.07.2021, you have to pay the breeding-fee at 01.10.2021 and only, if the mare is pregnant. Take your chance for a wonderful foal 2022. Please phone us under +49 177/8140272. Colanyc will stay at the EU-breeding-station until the end of July 2021.
Mini-breeding-show 2021! Safe the date for the ZfdP-"Mini-breeding-Show" at our stud ... 08.07.2021. We will show our little Cju C (for sale!).
Cju C
Pfingst-Special!!! We have a little surprice for you. For the first 3 mares (unicoloured or heterezygous tobiano), which are bindingly registered for the insemination of our stallion Colanyc until Monday, 24.05.2021, 24.00 o´clock, receive a discount on the insemination tax of 200,00 EUR! Colanyc looks forward to your mares! Good luck!
Semen-orders please trough me (phone 0177/8140272 or e-mail: or what´s app). Breeder-friendly cover tax splitting, AGB (please click here!). Here you can find an order form with all the data you need to register your mare:
START of our breeding season!!! Today starts the breeding-season for our premium awarded, licenced and approved stallion (Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Samenco K, Ilasso), 170 cm. He is stationated at the EU-station Dietrichshof in Osten and available with fresh-/chilled semen and later also with frozen semen.
If you want to by semen, please contact me: (phone 0177/8140272 or e-mail: or with what´s app). Here you can find the breeding-conditions AGB (please click here!). Here you can find an order-formular for semen:
Colanyc has already a lot of premium foals, his first son (Caleb) was licenced for breeding in December 2020. He makes very modern foals with a wonderful type, a good exterieur, talent for jumping and dressage too. This is your chance to breed a special and sportive warmblood-foal.
start of the breeding-season for Colanyc!
It´s a coloured colt!!! Today at 4.25 o´clock our premium mare Caribic C (Camaro/Trak. x Ringo/Trak., Niferak, Feiertraum/Hann. with blood of Nearco xx and Aquino xx) got her foal by Colanyc (Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Samenco K, Ilasso). It´s a wonderful painted tobiano-colt with very long legs and a lovely type. We are so happy about that top Colanyc-son. His name is "Cju C". A unique horse needs a famos name. Thank you very much, Colanyc. Here is a first pic after birth. We wish you happy Eastern!
Cju C
The next step for an horse insemination station of our own!!! After 5 1/2 weeks training in the Celle stud (EU-station Adelheidsdorf) I am now an approved "Besamungsbeauftragter für die Tierart Pferd". I lerned a lot about the management of stallions and mares, in particular about the preparation of chilled and frozen semen. Thank you very much - great team of the stud. You are the best. Now I have the right qualification for the next step. I´m so happy and proud. FINISHED!
EU-Besamungsstation Adelheidsdorf/Landgestüt Celle
TOP NEWS!!! Our coloured premium stallion Colanyc (Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Samenco K, Ilasso) will be available with fresh semen and also frozen semen (EU) from 15.04.2021 until June 2021!
Because of the bad news about Herpes in Spain Colanyc will not make natural cover. This wouldt be to much risk for him and his mares. The health of our horses has first priority!
Nearly all of his foals were premium awarded, his 1. son was licenced now. All of his foals has a wonderful type, a top interieur, very good movements and a lot of jumping talent. Licenced for stallion book I ZfdP, DSP and Oldenburger Springpferde, please ask us for more! Take your chance to breed your coloured dream-foal with this double-talent for dressage and jumping!
breeding-saison 2021! We are waiting for a new foal by our premium stallion Colanyc in May 2021, maybe a coloured full-sibling of Cid C and Celly C. Mother is our premium mare Caribic C (Camaro/Trak. x Ringo/Trak.).
premium mare Caribic C
New photos of Caleb! Impressions of a wonderful young stallion, now ridden. Please look at his homepage to find more new pics.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a HAPPY and healthy NEW YEAR 2021! Have a lot of fun with your beautiful horses!
See back to the year 2020! What a turbulent year 2020, short time, to see back, what did happen. We got 6 healthy and wonderful foals by our homebred stallions Colanyc and Classic Deluxe, 3 colts are growing up here and we hope, they will also licenced for breeding 2 years ago. Caleb C is our 3. licenced homebred stallion and also the first homozygous stallion we ever bred. We are very proud. We think, this is the right way for our breeding with quality and colour.
Cialto C, the first colt by Classic Deluxe
Prepairing for stallion-performance-test! Today our licenced Colanyc-Son Caleb C has moved to the new stable of his trainer Tino Bode. There he will be gently ridden and put trained for the stallion performance test in October 2021. Thank you very much, dear Tino, for taking care of this stallion and for taking such good care of my boys with your team. Here a photo bevore loading in Lutter am Bahrenberge (stable of Jan Crome-Sperling) ... Caleb C.
Caleb C
Licenced for breeding! What a beautiful Christmas-Present for us. Today our young stallion Caleb C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.) was licenced for breeding (breeding-book "Deutsches Pferd", ZfdP). He is the first every born foal of our Colanyc and now his first licenced son! Thank you very much, trainer Jan Crome-Sperling and his team, for prepairing our boy "top on point" and show him optimal.
Caleb C (FN-name now: "Caleb") is HOMOZYGOUS for tobiano (colour-guarantee!) and has no fox-gen, his pedigree is very interesting with the sucessful full-bloods Nearco xx und Aquino xx and the well-known coloured Trakehner-line of the Cornelia.
We are so proud and happy, what a year-finish! Caleb C will now trained for the stallion-approving (50-days-test for warmblood-stallions) in October 2021. This result shows us again, we are on the right way with our breeding. Our 3. homebred licenced stallion! Wow...
Caleb C
Next highlight! Now our homebred young stallion Caleb C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak. with the great blood of Nearco xx and Aquino xx, out of the coloured Trakehner-line "Cornelia") will be prepaired for the stallion-licencing (ZfdP). We hope, he can show his great potential and can present him optimal. Termin: 09.12.2020! Our fingers are crossed.
Caleb C
Cid C! Our 2 1/2 years old gelding Cid C (Colanyc x Camaro) also has found a new home near Grevenbroich. We wish the new owner good luck and a lot of joy with this young talent.
Cid C
Capri C Our beautiful filly Capri C (Classic Deluxe x Samenco K) was sold now. She is now at home near Köln. Bye my little sunshine. I wish the new owner good luck and all the best with this top young horse.
Capri C, now 6 months old
News! Everyone wants the best conditions for their horses to be kept. We too. That is why we have now fixed the floor in the runs for our stallions with paddock plates. No more mjud and dirt, finally dry hooves even in winter. Another step forward. I´m really happy about it ... and the boys too.
Our new project for our stallions.
Now you can look at the result of our work in the last days. Our stallions can go out every day.
Gelding! Our wonderful 2 years old Cir Royal C is a gelding now. He is FOR SALE!
Cir Royal C
Prepairing for licencing! Now the "scool" begins for our wonderful young stallion Caleb C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.). We will train him for licencing in Kreuth (04./05.12.2020). Our fingers are crossed for a positive result!
Caleb C
Injury! Unfortunately, our stallion Classic Deluxe got injured only a few days before the planned start of the stallion performance test, so that he cannot take the 50-day-test. He just needs some time to get fully fit again. We are very sad about it, but things like that happen too. He will now recover first and should then complete the performance-test next year.
Classic Deluxe
The next step for our stud! Today I visitid my lovely licenced tobiano stallion Classic Deluxe (Cadeau Noir x Blickpunkt) with his trainer. He looks super and is very good under the rider. His first foals are so amazing. They have a wonderful type and very good movements ... no more wishes. Classic Deluxe will now be prepaired for his approving (his 50-days-performance-test for dressage-stallions in Adelheidsdorf will begin at 07.10.2020). Our fingers are crossed for good results and I hope, he will stay healthy. Thereafter he will come back home to us after long 7 months.
Classic Deluxe
Foal-show in Etgersleben! We presented 6 homebred foals by our stallions Colanyc and Classic Deluxe. All foals showed themselves very good. In the result all 4 foals by Colanyc were premium awarded. But also the first 2 foals by Classic Deluxe (Capri C and Cialto C) have champion-quality. We are so proud of our coole mares, their foals and our two stallions. They make our dreams come true. Thank you, my boys ...
Cialto C
Capri C was sold! Our beautiful filly Capri C (Classic Deluxe x Samenco K) has found now HER human and was sold into best hands. She will live in Germany and we hope, she will be a very good managed sporthorse in the future. Her neigbor will be our homebred Vajum C (Viscount/Hann. x Camaro). We are very happy about that and we wish the new owner all the best with this wonderful lady.
Capri C
Colanyc now also available via frozen-semen (EU)!!! Now the breeding-season for my Colanyc finished. Thank you very much, Veronica Sinz (Lichtenmoor stud) and team. You are the best I know, Colanyc was in best hands with you. He looks great. Now we are looking forward to some -we hope- healthy and wonderful Colanyc-foals in 2021.
NEWS: Now we will make frozen-semen by Colanyc for travelling in EU! Please ask us. At 16.08.2020 our stallion will come back home.
Colanyc (approving 2019)
Colanyc will be available via fresh semen in Germany until the end of July 2020!!! ...and after than in addition maybe 14 days (please ask us under
Ready for stallion-licencing... Caleb C!!! Our 2 years old stallion Caleb C (Colanyc x Ringo/Trak.) has very good X-rays. Now we will prepare him for the stallion-licencing. We are so happy. He es really a highlight, the first foal of our champion Colanyc...
Caleb C
Colanyc now also licenced for Oldenburg (OS)!!! We are so happy and so proud. The Oldenburger breeding-association saw the high quality of our coloured stallion Colanyc. He is now also licenced for Oldenburg (OS), limited for 20 mares per year.
Colanyc, his foals can get full papers from Old. (OS)!
Pfingst-Special!!! For all breeders, which like to get fresh-semen for her mares - beginning from the 01.06.2020, we have a very good offer (breeding-fee-splitting): You have to pay only 450 EUR for unicoloured mares resp. 1.000 EUR for non-homozygous tobiano mares in 2020. The rest of breeding-fee you have to pay in 2021 (14 days after birth of a foal). The quality of the semen is very good. If it is necessary, the covering season will be extended beyond the 15.07.2020 (please ask us). Breed your coloured dream-foal now!
A beautiful colt!!! On Friday, 15.05.2020 at 23.09 o´clock my premium mare Briana C (Blickpunkt/Belissimo M/Fidermark x Samico F) got her foal by Colanyc. It´s a big coloured colt with the name "Cendryc C". We are so happy about that. Now all foals are arrived in this breeding-season and we can sleep again. Thank you, Colanyc and Classico Deluxe C for these very lovely foals.
Cendryc C
What a crazy night!!! Today we can proudly present you 2 new foals. On Monday, the 04.05.2020 at 21.35 o´clock our Samenco K-daughter Sissy C got a wonderful coloured filly by our Classico Deluxe C. Her name is "Capri C". Here you can see a first photo:
Capri C (5 minutes old)
At the same time (23.02 o´clock) got the half-sister of Sissy C, Soraya C, also her foal of Classico Deluxe C. We are happy about this big coloured colt. His name is "Cialto C". Here you can see a first photo of him (I have to sleep now):
Cialto C (10 minutes old)
Sleeping for ever... So sad. After only some hours of life we had to say good bye to our little Crissy C. She was a very big filly. The birth was not easy and her mum had to fight a long time to bring she to the world with our help. Probably the foal has had an oxygen deficiency. It came to serious complications occurred after a very short time. The veterinarians in the veterinary clinic were unfortunately unable to help. Our little Crissy C passed away only 1 day after birth. We are infinitely sad. She was such a lovely filly, maybe homozygous for tobiano. Mama Nike suffers silently and is comforted by her best friend Pjetro. Now she is at home again. Run free, my little girl, I am crying...
Crissy C
The first foal ever by Classico Deluxe C!!! At Monday, 28.04.2020 at 03.02 o´clock my broodmare Nike (Ringo/Trak. x Niferak, Feiertraum/Hann.) got a very big tobiano filly by Classico Deluxe C (Cadeau Noir x Blickpunkt, Belissimo M). Her name is "Crissy C". Wow...
Crissy C (5 minutes old)
A coloured son by Colanyc!!! At Thursday, 23.04.2020 at 5.30 o´clock my lovely broodmare What´s up (Camaro x Lehar, Ladykiller xx) got a black-white-tobiano colt by Colanyc. His name is "Caprysto C" Here you can see a first photo. We are so proud.
Caprysto C (4 hours old)
A Colanyc-daughter!!! We proudly present our second Colanyc-daughter. On Saturday, 11.04.2020 at 4.21 o´clock our champion-mare Shakira (Samico F x Falkland) got a wonderful, healthy filly by Colanyc. The name of this little princess is "Caya C". We are so happy. Here you can see a first photo of her. Shakira is a very good mum.
Caya C (5 minutes old)
Prepairing for approving!!! Tomorrow we will bring our stallion Classico Deluxe C to his trainer. Now he will prepaired for approving (50-days-test for dressage-stallions unde the saddle).
Classico Deluxe C
A little princess!!! Today at 1.03 o´clock our premium mare Caribic C got a wonderful, healthy filly by Colanyc. Mum and daughter are o.k. The name of our newest arrival will be "Celly C". I like her very much. We are so happy. Celly C will be offered for sale, a very good future sporthorse with a lot of charme. Now we are waiting for the next 6 foals. Here you can see a first photo of the little princess, 1 hour old...
Celly C
Start of the breeding-saison for Colanyc!!! Our wonderful premium stallion Colanyc is ready to start. So ... girls, let´s go! Please send us photos or videos of your Colanyc-foals next year. We like to help you to sell your foals of him. More informations about Colanyc you can find digital at the homepage or please ask us for a prospect per e-mail: Please also look at our rabatt-system for premium- and successful sport-broodmares and please ask us for questions (Tel. 0177/8140272). Colanyc will stay at the Lichtenmoor-stud until 15.07.2020, but if it is nessesary also until August 2020. He is available with fresh-semen only in Germany.
Breeders ceremony! On February 22nd, 2020 the annual stallion show of the Bonhomme stud took place in Werder/Havel. On the occasion of the breeding ceremony I received a beautiful photo of my newly licensed Cadeau Noir son Classico Deluxe C and a stud fee voucher from the boss Rebecca Gutmann. I would like to thank you for this. I´ve been very happy about it. Here is a nice photo fo both of us. Thanks to Björn Schröder for this. I would say two strong women...
breeders ceremony
Anniversay! Today we have something very special to celebrate. 15 years of colorful breeding in Etgersleben. We went trhough many ups and downs, cheered and cried, wanted to throw everything and still carry on ... but we never gave up! And it was fine like that! In the meantime, we can proudly look back on 15 years of breeding history, on highlights such as champion-mares, champion-foals and 2 brilliant, licensed colured stallions from our own breeding plus a large number of premium foals and premium mares. We are incredibly proud of this. Anyone who breeds with a heart can guess, how much work and sweat, perseverance and well-guarded nights it cost. But I think, it was worth it. Thank you to everyone, who always believed in us and supporded us with advice and action.
champion-filly Soraya C (now proudly stallion-mother)
Colanyc 2020 with fresh-semen available! Our wonderful licenced and approved "designer-stallion" Colanyc will be available via fresh-semen in Germany between 01.04.-15.07.2020 (Lichtenmoor-stud, Heemsen/Niedersachsen).
photo: V. Hagemeister (Colanyc)
Very good feedback for Classico Deluxe C! Here you can see a comment of the "Züchterforum". We are very happy and proud of our young stallion. He will be available via life cover until the end of March 2020, thereafter we will begin his training and prepaire him for the approvement in October (50-days-test for warmblood-stallions, dressage). We are looking forward to his future carriere.
The breeding-year 2019 is going to end. Time for us to schow back. What a year! So sad the broken leg of our little filly Corvette C. We did everything we could, but we lost this fight. We will never forget this wonderful homozygous filly by Colanyc and our broodmare Shona C. She will always live on in our hearts.
Colanyc did a very good job as a stallion, so we expect 4 foals of him. But also our youngster Classico Deluxe C (our gentleman) learned to love mares and we expect also 3 foals of him in 2020. Both stallions have a very good character and interieur.
In June 2019 Colany left our stable for training (Tino Bode). He fought and gave everything for us. He passed his stallion performance test and is now approved (50-days-test for warmblood-stallions/jumping L-niveau in Neustadt/Dosse). Thank you very much, my wonderful boy! I love you so much. Colanyc is really a dream and we are so proud of him.
Classico Deluxe C was prepared für licencing in September-November 2019 by Jan Crome-Sperling. He was licenced in Kreuth in December and (like his half-brother Colanyc) also best ZfdP-stallion. Very special moments for us. Now both stallions are at home again.
Also the next year will have some highlights for us! We are waiting for puppies (longaired german shepards) in January. Thereafter (March - May) we will get 7 foals. At the same time the breeding-saison for our both stallions will start. Maybe Colanyc will be stationated at a covering station, but we have no decicion until yet. Classico Deluxe C will prepaired for approving from April to September, we hope, he can absolve his performance-test in October/November. We will organize our foal-show at the end of August. The final act of the year 2020 will be the licencing in Kreuth in December. We have 2 very good candidates (Caleb C and Cir Royal C). Last but not least we are prepaire our home for a covering-station, first conversions are in progress. Our aim is to offer our stallions optimal conditions at home an still prepare them in fresh semen. Let´s tackle it.
But now we enjoy the holidays. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you to all my friends and my family, who believed in me and support me on my way. You are the best
Corvette C (named "our Corvetti"), in our hearts for ever
LICENCED FOR BREEDING! Today our Classico C (FN-name now Classico Deluxe C) was LICENCED for breeding and became best ZfdP-stallion in Kreuth. We are so happy and proud of this success. At the same time and also in Kreuth his father Cadeau Noir won the Prix St. George. A dreame comes true. Our 2. licenced homebred stallion, wow! Thank you very much, dear Jan Crome-Sperling and his team for prepairing my boy for this event. Top job! You are the best. More pictures will follow soon.
Classico C, Kreuth
Attention! We will present our wonderful black-white-tobiano-stallion Classico C (Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Blickpunkt/Belissimo M) at the breeding-show of the ZfdP in Kreuth/Rieden (near Nürnberg) at 06./07.12.2019 and we hope, he will be our second licenced stallion after that. Our fingers are crossed.
Classico C
Approved life-long! What a very special day. We are proud to tell you, that our wonderful Colanyc (licenced premium-stallion by Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Samenco K, Ilasso) now is approved life-long (50-days-test for warmblood-jumping-stallions in Neustadt-Dosse). His foals now get full German papers of the breeding-book "Deutsches Pferd"/ZfdP. Colany now is also licenced for the Pferdesportverband Brandenburg-Anhalt/"DSP/Deutsches Sportpferd". We are so happy about this unique boy. This pic shows, how we felt today...
Wow! 1,89 million Euro for a licenced 3 years old son of Cadeau Noir/Hann. and a half-brother to my coloured stallions Colanyc and Classico C. Congratulations to the new owner...
Colanyc, also a son of Cadeau Noir, licenced and approved premium stallon and half-brother to the new licenced Hannoverian stallion "Confess Color"
Sold! Our wonderful future stallion prospect Finn C (Finest/Hann. x Samaii/Old.) now is at home near Neuss gezogen. There he will be a stable-neighbor of our homebred mare Lara C (Levkoi/Ilasso). We hope, he will licenced for breeding next year. Our fingers are crossed. I wish the new owner good luck and a lot of fun with our lovely boy.
Finn C (2 years old), future stallion prospect
Prepairing for licencing ... Classico C! We gave him all the time, he needed to grow up. Now Classico C will be prepaired for licencing in the next 3 months. We will show him at the stallion-licencing in Kreuth/Rieden (ZfdP, 7./8.12.2019) and we hope, he will stay healthy and can present himselfes in top form. Our fingers are crossed. His older half-brother Colanyc was already the best ZfdP-stallion of the stallion-licencing 2016 in Kreuth...
Classico C (3 years old)
Impressions from Colanyc! He has fun, Colanyc loves to jump. And he looks realy great.
Colanyc (5-jährig)
Classico C! Our black and white tobiano stallion Classico C (Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Blickpunkt/Westf., Belissimo M, Samico F) has top x-rays. Now we will prepare him for the stallion-licencing in December 2019 in Kreuth (ZfdP). Our fingers are crossed for this wonderful boy.
Classico C (3 years old)
Very good news from Belgium! Our wonderful colt Landow C (Ludwig´s As x Samenco K) was sold to Belgium in 2015. Now (4 years old) he is a very successful jumping gelding. Thanks for the wonderful photos. I´m so proud.
Landow C (4 years old)
R.I.P., my little Corvette C!
What a sad Monday. Today our little Corvettchen was gone over the rainbowbridge. We have no words and we will never forget our princess. Run free, Corvetti. We love you so much - forever.
Corvette C (R.I.P.)
SOLD! Finn C was sold. He will stay in Germany and his new owner will prepaire him for stallion-licencing in 2020. Our fingers are crossed!
Finn C
11. Mai 2019
Go for licencing! Our 2 years old premium-colt Finn C (Finest/Hann. x Samaii) has very good x-rays and we hope, he will get the breeding-licence next year.
Finn C (2 years old)
08. May 2019
Pregnant! We are so happy about our fist pregnant broodmare in this breeding-saison. Our homozygous broodmare What´s up (Camaro/Trak. x Lehar, Ladykiller xx) will get a foal by our premium-stallion Colanyc (Cadeau Noir/Hann. x Samenco K/Ilasso) in March 2020. It will be a full-sibling of our little "princess" Ceyla C (sold). Colanyc has a wonderful interieur, he is a real gentleman. The next vet-checks will follow soon.
What´s up
05. April 2019
A coloured princess! On Friday, the 05.04.2019 at 3.04 o´clock my homozygous premium mare Shona C (Samaii x Camaro) got her foal. It´s a big filly, very correct exterieur, wonderful coloured how dad and a nice blace in the face. Her name is "Corvette C". Here you can see a first picture of the little princess. Shona C is a wonderful mum. I´m so happy. We will make an DNA-test, because maybe the filly is homozygous how her mother. Our fingers are crossed.
Shona C and her 1. daughter Corvette C
24. März 2019
Ceyla C! Today my lovely Ceyla C (Colanyc x Camaro) changed her stable. She is now at home in South-Germany. I wish her and her new owner good luck. Here you can see the last pic in Etgersleben.
Ceyla C
05. January 2019
Carat C! They saw him and loved him - that´s live! Now our lovely 2 years old gelding Carat C (Camaro/Trak. x Shakira by Samico F) is at home near Bremen. I wisch the new owners good luck and all the best with our little diamond. Bye, my little boy.
Carat C