We wish you a HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR 2025!
Here you can find wonderful sporthorses with heart and charme. They will give you happiness and love all the time.
Our licenced and approved stallions:
***PrH Colanyc*************Classic Deluxe******************Caleb*******************Cialto C******
From this special horse breeding originate among other things :
the german champion of the pinto-hunter-foals 2008 ("Soraya C"),
the third-placed german pinto-broodmare 2008 ("It´s Nanook"),
the german champion of the pinto-hunter-foals 2009 ("Silvana C"),
and the german champion of the pinto-broodmares 2009 ("Shakira C"),
the third-placed foal of the ZfdP 2010 ("Shona C"),
the licenced, approved and premium-awarded champion stallion of the ZfdP 2016 "Colany C" (FN-name: "Colanyc", photo: V. Hagemeister)
the licenced champion stallion of the ZfdP 2019 "Classico C" (FN-name: "Classic Deluxe")
the third-placed foal of the ZfdP 2017 ("Finn C", sold as a future stallion prospect)
the 2020 licenced homozygous stallion "Caleb C" (FN-name: Caleb, photo: V. Hagemeister),
the 2024 licenced homozygous stallion "Cialto C"
and a lot of premium-foals and successful young sporthorses.
Here highest quality is the centre of attantion!
A wonderful color is the additional bonus, wich we do strive for through selective breeding
Do you love the speciale?
Then we invite you to tour our
This german horse breeding farm is specialized in breeding of sporthorses
for dressage, jumping or driving in unicolor and in multicolor
(TOBIANO-SPORTPINTOS in the warmblood type, stick-measure of 165-175 cm).
We are members of the "ZfdP Zuchtverband für Deutsche Pferde e.V." (a well-known german horse-breeding-association). Our horses are registered as "Deutsches Reitpferd" (german riding-horse).
We operate no commercial stable, but sell primarily our own high-quality offspring and have a national licenced stallionstation.
A visible amount of outstanding multicolored premium broodmares with excellent pedigree - some of them are homozygous for tobiano and so guarantors for color - are the solid basis for this nearly unique special horse breeding. We are very proud of our girls and their outstanding qualities (all main mare book).
In this horse breeding farm the well-being of our horses is located always in the first place!
Our horses are held in a mixed herd with daily social contact.
Breeding hygiene, high-quality fodder, veterinary support and regular hoof care are standard here.
photo: Volker Hagemeister (Colany C)
Let´s bring some color into the mostly unicolored horseworld!
champion-mare ZfdP Shakira
champion-foal ZfdP Soraya C